


About Keenan

Why start another company at age 53 you may ask?

Well life is a very winding and demanding path. Early life it requires many sacrifices to build a family and find a decent source of income. That is usually the first fork in the path to what you thought you wanted to do. Some dream or ambition beyond just making money. Let’s just call it the nebulous dream. Like most people I had that fork and many more getting me further from the dream. It became just a nagging background thought that you pulled out now and then.

I have always been an engineer at heart, tinkering and making things. All of which built some skills but lead nowhere besides a distraction hobby. I started self-employment about 30 years ago but into a company that was challenging to create and grow but not on the path. I am proud of all of the skills and determination it has taken to grow that company. Through the years the dream morphed and started to take on a more solid shape. I have added to that knowledge base through much research until one day about 5 years ago it came to me what I wanted to do for my own personal growth and satisfaction.

I have always admired artists talents to create all forms of art and felt that I had none. I was an engineer with my ruler and specifications. I started designing all forms of mechanical movements from clocks, lighting, furniture and well anything I could envision that I could bring to life with gears, sprockets and chains and I realized that I am an artist in some form.

I am now launching a company for the next phase in my life to bring my dreams into reality. Over the last couple of years, I have been defining and meandering through the creation process of so many ideas to bring to life. Some are intriguing and some are mundane but all have that feel and look I have strived after. A new way to interact with my environment with mechanical movement in places you would never have thought about. You could almost call my work as Steampunk but on a more practical manner. Gears are meant to do actual work and not to spin for no reason than to be décor.

I am busy now cutting, shaping and wondering how to make things fit perfectly by turning 2d drawings into 3d reality. The thing that makes it all so fun and frustrating is finding that perfect screw, bolt, shape, material, process and making it come together so that I can put my hands on it and it looks and moves with an interesting twist. Each creation causes a satisfaction so deep in my person that it inspires me to want all of my designs to pop into life before me. That has become my goal with this new company. To share with those who want to have unique and interesting things around them to sharpen the brain and to always ask the question, how does it do that?



About Mitch

I have over 15 years in the fabrication business creating and solving problems in every kind of material. Most of the work I have done has been to create a new way or part to solve a problem.

I enjoy the challenge of creating and seeing my ideas in 3d. Eccentric Industrial is a natural progression and gives me the opportunity to stretch my brain and contribute my own designs that others can appreciate.

I wake up everyday and I am thankful that I get to work doing what I love.